The Traditional Catholic Faith

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The Vacancy of the Holy See
The Baltimore Catechism
FAQs on the Traditional Latin Mass

Current Information

Current CMRI Publications
CMRI Churches and Schools

CMRI interactive map of traditional Latin Mass centers in USA

Upcoming Events

2024 Fatima Conference: Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum
Keynote Address Speaker:
Rev. Fr. Johannes Heyne
Young Adults Dinner and Game Night (opening evening of Fatima Conference)

CMRI: A Traditional Catholic Religious Congregation

Dedicated to preserving and spreading the traditional Catholic Faith and the Fatima Message, the priests, Brothers and Sisters of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) are responsible for over 120 traditional Catholic churches and Mass centers both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as 19 schools staffed by religious, several publications, and an online store, Mary Immaculate Queen Center, with an extensive inventory of traditional Catholic books and religious articles.

Current CMRI Publications

The Reign of Mary, CMRI's Quarterly Magazine

The Reign of Mary Issue No. 192 Issue No. 192 | Subscribe

  • Letter from the Editor
  • Women at the Altar: A Look at the Women’s Ordination Movement
  • The Limits of Papal Power: Contrasting Traditional Catholic Teaching with the Recognize-and-Resist Distortion
  • Pornography: The Ruin of the Soul
  • Who Is She Ascends So High?
  • Excommunicated! The Life and Thoughts of Rev. Fr. Joaquin Sáenz (Part 6)
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Eucharist
  • World Watch:
    Bergoglio: The Model Apostle of Vatican II
    Outrage at “World Children’s Day Festival”
    Boston Celtics Coach Leaves Liberal Media Silent
    The Confession of a Transgender Woman
    A Dying Institution
    Chicago Pastor Assists at Marriage of “Holy Spouses”
    76 Year-Old Pro-Lifer Goes to Jail, Refuses Probation
    Challenge Accepted
    Lou Holtz Defends Butker
    Peaceful Protester Adds to Her 11 Years in Jail
    What does “Catholic” Mean Anymore?

For summaries of the articles in this issue, click here.

Mater Dei Seminary’s Free Monthly Newsletter

June 2024: Letter from the Rector: End of our 34th year of scholastic studies at Mater Dei Seminary with ordinations on May 11. Rev. Noah Ellis (Kentucky) and Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI, (Michigan), received the subdiaconate; Anthony Alley (South Dakota), Kyle St. Aubin (Canada), and Lucas Costa (Brazil) received the minor orders of exorcist and acolyte; Julio Perez (California) and Jorge Diaz (California) received first clerical tonsure. Article: Excerpt from Mystici Corporis by Pope Pius XII (1943); excerpt from The Church of Christ by Rev. Van Noort. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: The Physician’s Professional Secret and Obligations of Condemned Criminal.

Anima Mariae:
CMRI Sisters' Free Quarterly Newsletter

Our Summer 2024 issue. In so many parishes, spring is the season of sacraments, and teaching Sisters like the busy bees are preparing their young charges for a worthy reception of Penance and First Holy Communion, or Confirmation. Matrimony, too, is often scheduled in the spring and early summer. Little children in their spotless white dresses and suits, young women in their bridal beauty reflect the newness of life that nature puts forth in spring...
Upcoming novenas: Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Feast: July 16), Immaculate Heart of Mary (Feast: August 22).
Our next issue: June. Subscribe: Email version | Print version


Fatima Conference Recordings

2021 Fatima Conference: "The Servant of Mary Will Never Perish":
CDs | MP3s on Flash Drive
2020 Fatima Conference: "I am the Lady of the Rosary":
CDs | MP3s on Flash Drive
2019 Fatima Conference: "Behold Thy Mother":
2018 Fatima Conference: "The Pope of Fatima":
2017 Fatima Conference: "Fatima and Perseverance":

Fatima Conference Recordings